Fix “Ghost Touch” Problems On Android Smartphones
Many of us smartphone users have encountered the “ghost touch” problems with Android smartphones, and in some cases, it can be so annoying that we want to do something about…

Microsoft Edge Chromium Antivirus Blocks Add-ons
As of recently, there have been various reports that there are some problems with the installation of add-ons on the Canary version of Microsoft Edge Chromium. Even though at first…

SHAREit – Transfer & Share 5.0.38_ww Version Available to Download
SHAREit is the largest application in the world that deals with transferring information between devices. The app is available on Windows, Android, and iOS. It has 1.5 billion users worldwide…

WhatsApp Tips: How to Save to WhatsApp Status videos and Photos
We all know what it’s like to see a picture or a video one someone’s WhatsApp Status that we really like. The problem is that we can’t do anything to…

Android Users can Keep Old, Unsupported Apps when Switching Phones
It’s no news that the Google Play Store is the best solution for downloading and installing Android apps safely and legally, being the core of the Android OS, so it…

Skype for Business Server 2019 Cumulative Update Available to Download
Users of Skype for Business server 2019 can finally enjoy the Cumulative update 1 which was awaited for a long time. The update has the KB number 4470124. Added features…

PS5 and Xbox Scarlett Leaks – Next-gen Games Need Years to Optimize for Them
The world is slowly getting details on the upcoming next-gen consoles from Sony and Microsoft. Project Scarlett will be launched in the 2020 holiday season, as per the official announcement….

Best Google Maps Tricks to Optimize your Experience
Google maps is easily a game-changer in regards to how we perceive urban landscapes and navigate through them. The service has built upon the simple GPS function. Instead, it gave…

Fortnite 10th Season Leaks and News
The release of the Fortnite season 10 is close, and leaks are present in high number. Millions of gamers can’t wait to play the new update. New skins and accessories…

Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 Breakdown Reveals New Secrets
E3 brought a very unexpected but welcome piece of news for gamers. A new Zelda game called Breath of the Wild 2 was announced. The trailer was pretty heavy and…

iPhone 11 Models Could Be Better Than We Expect
If you are here, it means you are just as excited as we are about the upcoming iPhone 11 models which have been rumored to be released by Apple in…