It’s been known for a while that NVIDIA is planning on releasing new graphics cards that will be available for laptops. However, aside from leaks and speculations, there wasn’t a whole lot to go on and even if there were, there was no proof to back it up. That all changes now as NVIDIA has officially announced the two GPU’s. The two are the GeForce GTX 1050 and the GeForce 1050 Ti, and according to NVIDIA they will be coming to a laptop near you sooner than you think. NVIDIA UK’s Twitter post revealed January the 5th to be the release date for the two devices.
The GTX 1050 features 4 GB of RAM and is available with a clock speed of 1.354 GHz. Overclocking it will get it to 1.493 GHz, and the 7Gbps will help with data cycling tremendously. The GTX 1050Ti on the other hand has a much better 1.620 GHz frequency when it’s boosted up from the stock 1.483 GHz. In addition, the unit comes with 4 GB. NVIDIA is looking to promote VR technology by bringing out laptops that have the capability of supporting it.
Dell was one of the first manufacturers to embrace the new chips and has already begun the process that will see the 1050 and 1050 Ti on the market as soon as possible. Additionally, the two chips will become part of a wider variety of laptop GPUs which includes the GTX 1060, 1070 and 1080 models.
Prior to the end of CES, we might see some more unveilings in regards to laptops that will feature the new chips, giving more depth to the original announcement. The implementation of these GPU units that are not very different from the PC versions of themselves will only benefit the laptop industry.