Pokemon Go has got a new Legendary Pokemon, after Cresselia’s exit from the title. Kyogre is showing up with again in Raid Battles for the following days, enabling you to meet its Shiny form.
The Legendary Water-kind Kyogre will be available in Raids until June the 27th. Like previously, you will have to collaborate with other players in-person and fight the Legendary Pokemon before you can have the chance to catch it. Kyogre is a sheer Water-type, which makes it vulnerable to Electric and Grass-type Pokemon. To succeed, you might want to bring along monsters like Leafeon, Manectric, Roserade, and Magnezone when opposing it.
Kyogre is the second of three Legendary Pokemon creator Niantic is returning to Pokemon Go. After it exists on June the 27th, its twin from Pokemon Ruby, Groudon, will replace it until July the 10th. Similar to Kyogre and Cresselia, you will also have the opportunity to meet a Shiny Groudon when it makes an appearance in Raids.
The return of Kyogre follows behind the yearly Pokemon Go Fest, which took place in Chicago this prior weekend. As a prize for competing sufficient Global Challenges during the fest, the game studio behind Pokemon Go is rewarding players with double the amount of Candy for catching and hatching Pokemon until June the 25th. Pokemon Eggs will hatch at half their usual time until then as well, and you are ensured to earn one Rare Candy per Raid.
Besides these awards, Niantic is also letting one of their three Legendary dogs, Raikou, to make an appearance for a special Raid day. The Legendary Electric-type will make a return to Raid Battles on Sunday, June the 29th, starting with 4 PM and leaving at 7 PM local time. In the course of the event, you can receive up to five free Raid Passes from Gyms, and you may even meet a Shiny Raikou.