If you search for accurate information according to weather forecast you’ll need to be up to date all the time that’s why you need to use Google’s SOS alerts. When you intend to go far away and there is a chance to get in a crisis zone it’s definitely vital to know exactly if in that place could be earthquakes or hurricanes which can put your life at risk. This app will also show you fundamental dates about driving directions. In this way you’ll be informed in good time about all kinds of catastrophes and more than that, you are guided to take another direction in order to avoid the disasters that could happen. In some cases there may be a flood or a hurricane along the route you drive that means you need to be protected because safety is first.
Due to Google’s SOS alerts you’ll realize that these natural disasters have a proper purpose. Focus your attention on the maps and you will know all about hurricane path cones, earthquake shakemaps and flood forecasts.
So, there are two different ways to be well informed: first, using crisis cards in the app and second, searching on the internet for disaster areas. In a short time frame, all the useful informational will be available on Android, iOS and the web and you’ll know all that happen on the route that starts from Indian city of Patna and the road that extends to Brahmaputra and Ganges regions. You’ll be up to date about crises aware navigation using your mobile apps soon this summer. It’s good to think that you don’t have to use these features ever but, these information are vital for people that have to get in a place threatened by disasters, at a certain time.