Beyond Good And Evil 2 Rumored to be Featured as a Nintendo Switch Exclusive

A Nintendo insider who goes by the name of Laura Kate Dale recently stated that the new Beyond Good And Evil 2 will be featured as a Nintendo Switch exclusive for a year before it will make its final appearance on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Laura Dale is an insider who can be truly believed as she released some leaks which proved to be true long before they have happened including the likes of the PlayStation 4 Slim. She also leaked some information about the Nintendo Switch and we can only wait in order for it to be verified on January the 12th when it will be officially released.

Not being the very first game which will be considered a timed exclusivity as it also was the case with Ubisoft’s ZombieU which was made exclusive only for the Wii U for a couple of years before it made its debut over the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, Beyond Good And Evil 2 is believed to not sell very well.

Despite its rather positive reviews and hype which comes along with it, we will see if the Switch will popularize it or they’ll have to pull the same move which Sony did to make it available on other devices ahead of its scheduled time.

Notwithstanding Beyond Good and Evil 2 is a great game or not we are just to wait until the official release of the Nintendo Switch on January the 12th. If it does prove out to be a true rumor, Ubisioft might be on to something good as they will start the year as good as they possibly can with the Switch’s third-party lineup.

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