While Waze is chosen with various bugs that make it less attractive on certain routes, the Google Maps alternative is becoming more powerful, accumulating real innovations with functions taken from the first.
Google’s $ 1.3 billion transaction in 2013 “saved” the Android developer from probably the only rival that could threaten the dominance of its own map service, Google Maps. Calming the fears of Waze fans, Google did not pull the purchased product on the dead line, but even continued to support its development. But the reality is more nuanced than that. While Google continued to improve Waze, even mimicking the existence of a competition, in reality, Google Maps took over more and more of its strengths.
The latest addition is the information system near the railway crossings, Google Maps users will receive notifications such as “Expect Delays”, signaling the formation of queues of waiting cars. The respective intersections will be marked on the map using the same symbols on a yellow background.
For now, it is unclear whether the new addition will be available simultaneously for Android and iOS users. What is certain is that notifications will appear first to users in the United States, the functionality will be extended in the next period to users in other countries.
Google will probably make the official announcement at the right time, with the notification function approaching the railway crossings being part of a more comprehensive block of improvements to the Google Maps service.