Google Play will allow you to temporarily purchase paid apps at a discounted price

Google Play will allow developers to provide users with temporary access to premium content from apps, paying less than when they purchase the entire app.

By reviewing the Play Store payment system, Google is freeing developers to use micro-transactions to temporarily activate certain features in applications that are normally offered for a fee. The new functionality could be especially useful for those who only occasionally need certain applications with a utilitarian role, such as a scientific computer for the exam season, or editing the collection of holiday pictures or videos.


Instead of asking users to pay the full price for purchasing a software product, developers will also have the option to offer them a fee for temporary access to certain features of the application they need. Google Play will continue to offer the option to extend access to that service after the expiration of the period of use.

Although, the delivered product is from a completely different category, Netflix operates according to a similar model of micro-transactions.

For developers, the options are even more attractive, as they can offer even more applied in a single package, which they can sell or rent in bundles. Google calls this feature multi-line subscription, a kind of subscription from which you choose with access to several applications simultaneously, for which you would pay more if you bought them separately.

For users, this option could help them more easily choose the service or application that best suits their needs, without being constrained by a limited trial period, eventually purchasing only what is really useful to them.

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