How to access two hidden applications on an iPhone with iOS 14

iOS is currently the oldest software for mobile devices on the market. Launched in 2007 with the first iPhone under the name iPhone OS, Apple’s operating system does not seem to have many hidden surprises. However, it seems that Apple is constantly adding new features, but while some are highly publicized in official presentations, others remain hidden. Here’s how you can access two iOS apps from Apple that are completely hidden in the usual way.

Code Scanner – native application for QR codes on iPhone

The fact that you can scan QR codes through the camera has eliminated the need to download a dedicated app from the App Store. While this feature is very useful, some still prefer to use an app that does just that, probably to eliminate the risk of taking photos with QR codes to forget about in the gallery for a long time.

Fortunately, you don’t have to go to the App Store to get such an app. Apple already has the Code Scanners application, which is hidden in the iOS operating system and which you can access very easily.

If you look in the menu of any iPhone, you will not find the Code Scanners application in any folder or in the new “drawer” of applications included in iOS 14. However, this does not mean that the application is not there. Here’s how to access the QR code scanning application:

From the main menu, swipe down to open the search box

Enter the title “Code Scanners” in the box
Access the application
Moreover, Code Scanners can become a shortcut in Control Center, being able to open the application quickly from anywhere. This hidden application has existed since the time of iOS 12, when it was called Scan QR Codes, and in iOS 13 it was called QR Code Reader.

Magnifier – a magnifying glass with accessibility settings in iOS 14
Another hidden application is the “magnifying glass”. If you need an accessibility application, with dedicated settings for the visually impaired, Magnifier is a decent solution, integrated in the iOS operating system, but a bit hidden.

Here’s what you need to do to access it:

From the Settings, access the Accessibility menu
Then select Magnifier and move the switch to On
The application can now be found in the App Drawer or with Search, as in the case above

Magnifier was a feature that existed for a long time in iOS, but now it also has a dedicated icon. The application allows you to zoom through the cameras and has dedicated functions for the visually impaired such as brightness and contrast control, as well as high contrast filters to help those with visual impairments to better distinguish surrounding elements. Once started from the settings, the application can be placed in the main menu of the phone.

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